Thursday, November 29, 2007

How You Know Your Not Mom's Favorite

Ever just have one of those days? Check out what mama bird is standing on...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Man I love Thanksgiving, all that food and football!!! I hope everyone has an awesome Thanksgiving. Let me also say a big thanks to all our volunteers at C3. You guys truly make C3, C3!!! Have a great weekend and I'll see ya on Sunday - You're not gona want to miss it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


On a little more of an upbeat note from yesterday’s blog, what an awesome day we had on Sunday!!! I started the day with Discovering C3. I love these classes, I get to meet so many people who are jacked about what God is doing here at C3 and just want to be a part of it. Then we had the 2nd part of our Great Adventures. This is a class for children who have prayed to receive Christ and want to be baptized. I’m so proud of these kids, they have done a great job learning more about what it means to be a Christ follower and what it means to be baptized. We now have 6 kids scheduled to be baptized on Sunday Dec. 2nd. Then to top all of it off, Pastor Byron started a brand new series called “Barbaric Grace.” This is going to be an awesome series as we take a deeper look at why we do what we do here at C3. I’ve heard some great comments about the message and this past Sunday was just the beginning. There are going to be so many awesome stories and truths to this series and some serious surprises, you won’t want to miss a single Sunday.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Get Real

Ya know I’ve had this stewing in me for a little bit and I really just wanted to get it out. I was thinking about my last blog and the brilliant dude that met me at MGM. The scary part is that I’m not the only one this has happened to. I’ve had 3 good friends tell me about similar experiences that happened to them. Where they were just going about their daily routines (one was at work) when they basically had someone either snub them or vomit their negativity on them, just because they attend C3. What gets me the most is that some of these people who have said things to my friends have been Pastors (or their wives) from different churches here in town. This just boggles my mind. I mean really, what’s the problem dudes? I heard one pastor say; “well that’s just not the way church should be done.” Really, what is it that you don’t like? Do you not like people coming to Christ? – Because that’s happening here. Do you not like those who had completely given up on God and church coming and checking out church again? – Because that’s happening here. Do you not like people who were wrapped up in drugs, alcohol and just the crap of life getting freed from that bondage? – Because that’s happening here. Do you not like that kids and students are actually excited to go to church? – Because that’s happening here. Let’s get real here guys, if God is working and moving then maybe C3 is not what’s wrong here. Instead maybe you should read Luke 11:39-43 and take a good look at you.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Time To Let It Go

Some people can never let go. Today my family decided to go to MGM studios. While we were still in the parking lot a guy, who looks familiar, walks up to our car to tell me that he doesn’t like how I parked (I guess he has something against parking straight between the white lines) and says, “Aren’t you from Parkway?” After all the crap that we have walked through during our transition as a church I’m never sure how conversations that start that way are going to go. Anyway, I said, “Yes, I’m from C3.” Well, evidently this dude had some pent up anger toward our church and from the school closing. Somehow we get out of the parking lot without too much of an incident. But then this dude, with his kids in tow, maneuvers his way through the crowd to get to me again after we got off the tram. He just had to start pestering me again. He starts telling me how much he gave to the church and to the school; right there I knew this was going to get ugly. To make a long (really long) story short, I ended up telling the guy to take a hike (maybe not that nicely) and to just leave us alone. Ya know, God is awesome and I love what He is doing here at C3. But I know the reality is that there are a lot of people who can’t stand when God works in different or unique ways. I also know that there are a ton of people out there who absolutely hate that we transitioned our church. But seriously, I think it’s time to put on your big boy pants and get over it!!! The church has transitioned, we ain’t goin’ back, and surprise, surprise, surprise the lost are being found. Instead of being mad about how you just didn’t get your way, how about just thanking God that He’s moving and working. Seriously, I don’t like ties and organ music and all that stuff, but I don’t go around picking fights with people, especially when their trying to have a family day at a theme park. Dude, I think it’s time to let it go. Of course who I really feel bad for is the Disney workers, they had to put up with this guy all day.